The Supporter Team looks forward to hearing from you. Bernhard Christian Franco Michael Dollinger Nino Novak to give you, the active people in the movement, To send your request to us supporters, simply write an email to This mail runs in our task management system JIRA and becomes a ticket, which can then be processed by us supporters (more on this below). In order to get your solution faster and from good-motivated supporters: Here are the most important points in brief: Do I really have a support case?Welcome to the IT Support
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Please invest a few minutes to make your request understandable straight away - and save us all avoidable additional work through guesswork, incorrect analyzes, requests, etc.Before I send the mail
Or is it actually a requirement ? → For requesting new features please refer to IT - Dashboard - planned IT activitiesWhen I send the mail
(Setting your own people in CC is fine, they will
(Titles as "Please help me urgent" or "I have various Problems" are not helpful for us)After I sent the mail
please just answer
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